Elaine, a landscape student of mine actually inspire this painting last week. She is working very hard in my Friday landscape class trying to achieve a different painting style. She really loves color and is determined to get more color in her landscapes. She has been reading "Painting The Impressionist Landscape" by Lois Griffel which is all about using color to express light. The book promotes the principles and techniques that were developed by American impressionist Charles Hawthorne, founder of the Cape Cod School of Art. She gave me the book to read so that I could help her achieve her new goal. And I did read it here and there but decided if I was going to help her understand these principles maybe I should give it a try. So I created this 12" x 16" oil painting on a linen panel. Sad to report these peonies literally died in the sun for this painting. (Thanks Maylei). This style of painting was not as easy as it looks. It takes a lot of mental planning, underpainting and really being observant about cool and warm light... and yes still working with values. It was a challenge. I'll have to read more and try to do more.